We have been going through all of our shower gifts and this front to back rider was one of Josh's favorite so he thought he would try it out with Tiger. The dog had NO problem riding in it! so funny!
We've been so busy lately and had 3 more baby showers since my last post. Elle is hooked up with some great stuff. The sweet girls at Josh's work had us a shower that was really fun. Then, my Jackson girls gave me a really nice shower and also my office gave us a shower. We are so fortunate to have all these people do such nice things for us. Here's some pics.
Okay, I am new to this whole blogging thing but seems like a neat way to let family/friends keep up with us! We are getting ready to welcome our first child into the world! It's a girl due on April 25th. Her name is going to be Elle Grafton Gianola. Enjoy!