Birdie picking me a bouquet of flowers
We had dance recital photos made and Elle is the flounder from Little Mermaid in her tap dancing act.
Friday night a local acting/dance/singing company in Hattiesburg called Stagestruck put on a Dr Suess musical and all of the perfomers in it were children that attend Stagestruck. I bought tickets and suprised Elle and we went. She absolutley loved it! Now she's wanting to start taking classes there. She was wiped out on the way home.
Saturday morning Elle had her first soccer game. They have had 2 pracitces and I was beyond excited for this game. However, Elle HATES it! She sat on the sidelines and ate donuts and didn't want to go in b/c she didn't want to get kicked and hurt! She went in and ran around a little but never would touch the ball.
Shaking hands after the game
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